Getting Past the Gatekeeper

Let's talk about a classic showdown that every salesperson faces: getting past the gatekeeper. You know the drill—you're trying to reach a decision-maker, but there's a gatekeeper whose job is to protect that person's time. It's like a never-ending tug-of-war, right?


But here's the thing: it makes total sense if you look at it from the other side. Picture yourself as the decision-maker. You've got a hundred things on your plate, and if you met with every salesperson who called, you'd never get anything done. That's why gatekeepers exist—they keep you focused on what matters most. Unfortunately, that means they often say "no" to people like you.


Now, you may not be a fan of gatekeepers. After all, they're paid to keep you from doing your job. This dynamic creates an awkward, sometimes tense, standoff. Some producers get so frustrated that they try sneaky tactics to get through. But here's the hard truth—those tricks usually backfire. And they don't just make you look bad; they make life harder for the gatekeeper, too, which is why they dread dealing with pushy, overly annoying producers as much as you dread dealing with them.


But, let's face it—you'll have to deal with gatekeepers. There's no escaping that. So, is there a magic formula to get past them? The honest answer is no. There's no secret sauce that will guarantee you get through every time. But some strategies can give you a serious edge.


7 Strategies for Dealing with Gatekeepers

  1. Be Likable: This one's non-negotiable. A positive, upbeat attitude goes a long way. If you're polite, cheerful, and respectful, you're much more likely to leave a good impression. Rudeness and pushiness? That's a guaranteed fail.
  2. Use "Please" Twice: in his book The Real Secrets of the Top 20%, Mike Brooks talks about the power of using "please" twice when you're asking to be connected. It's a small detail, but it shows respect and good manners, which gatekeepers appreciate.
  3. Be Transparent: Always, always tell the gatekeeper who you are and where you're from. Hiding this information makes you look shady and untrustworthy. Full transparency makes you sound professional and worthy of getting through to the boss.
  4. Build a Connection: Remember, gatekeepers are people too. They have their own lives, goals, passions, and struggles. Take the time to connect with them—ask about their day and their interests, and actually listen. When you build a real relationship with the gatekeeper, they're much more likely to prioritize your calls.
  5. Skip the Cheesy Tricks: Tricks don't work. They harm your credibility, and you'll quickly find yourself on the gatekeeper's "do not talk to" list. Be honest about who you are and why you're calling. It might take some time to get you through, but it will build trust for future interactions.
  6. Ask for Help: Sometimes, just being human works wonders. An honest plea for help, mixed with a bit of humor, can turn a gatekeeper into your ally. They've got the power to make things happen for you—sometimes all you have to do is ask nicely.
  7. Change the Game: If all else fails, sometimes the best strategy is to bypass the gatekeeper entirely. You can try calling early or late when the boss is more likely to be around, or you can connect through social media, where gatekeepers often don't have access. Other options include meeting in person at events or even sending a handwritten note—something personal that stands out.


Dealing with gatekeepers isn't about trickery or brute force. It's about understanding that they're just doing their job—just like you are. Treat them with respect, build real connections, and use these strategies to turn a potential roadblock into a stepping stone. That's how you get ahead in the game.