Curiosity Is Your Superpower

Gina came from a transactional sales background and was accustomed to proactively contacting prospects to close as many sales as possible in the shortest time frame. She did not prioritize building emotional connections and long-term relationships – the immediate sale was her primary goal.

When she transitioned into insurance, her approach to prospects and clients was to bombard them with endless product features and technical details. Gina failed to understand that the consumers today are well-informed - they’ve used social media to research agents and usually have compared products, services, and solutions. They expect agents and brokers to be helpful, emotionally intelligent, strategic, and solution-oriented.

The Power of Thoughtful Questions

During the Trusted Risk Advisor (TRA) program, Gina learned that the most effective approach is to ask thoughtful, well-informed questions rather than product/feature dumping. Peak performers display curiosity, try to gain a deep understanding their clients pain points and needs, and listen attentively to the customer's responses rather than thinking about their next pitch. They research and learn as much as possible about the prospect's situation prior to the first meeting to ensure that their questions are relevant and insightful. This preparation shows the customer that the producer is invested in understanding their problems, which quickly builds credibility and trust.

Building Resilience Through Curiosity

Gina realized that she needed to exhibit curiosity and do her research in advance of the first meeting to understand the customer and his or her business inside out. This depth of understanding transforms the relationship, making the producer a trusted advisor who genuinely aims to help solve the customer's problems.

She also discovered that curiosity also plays a crucial role in handling objections and rejections. She began to view objections not as obstacles but as opportunities to help her remain resilient. How? Objections indicate that the prospect is considering a decision but needs more information to move forward. By gaining an in-depth understanding the customer's needs and challenges, Gina began to address these objections effectively, positioning herself as a problem-solver rather than mere product pusher.

Midway through the Trusted Risk Advisor program, Gina was happily embracing curiosity as her superpower and enjoying more meaningful interactions, quicker trust-building, and greater resilience. Gina figured out how to be more successful: “It’s not just about selling a product and its features; it’s about showing curiosity and solving the customer's unique challenges.”

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